Thursday, February 13, 2014

Choose the Right Deck!

Report on February 2014 Presentation

At the February 1 meeting, I presented on choosing the right deck.  Although that would seem to be a completely personal endeavor, I tried to give some perspective by considering what types of decks might go together to make a good working tarot collection and which types might work best for different jobs. 
Categories to consider for your collection are, of course, your old tried and true, a Rider-Waite-Smith version that appeals to you, decks that follow different esoteric systems, an historic reproduction or two, maybe another pips deck (non-scenic minors), and some new agey, intuitive, gentle and comforting, and humorous decks.  And of course you will want a deck in your favorite theme and/or art style.  And don’t forget a deck that challenges you, with its meanings or artwork.  That’s where the learning is!
We discussed the decks that might match up with the different things you do with tarot:  read for yourself; read for friends, the public, and kids; and study and learning.
I brought some example decks along, and everyone seemed to really enjoy the show-and-tell part of the presentation!
To encourage everyone to try using historic and other decks with non-scenic minors, I handed out some numerology information and a “pips worksheet” for homework, and did a quick demonstration of the “OldestSpread,” which is a great way to get started with pips!
Folks also enjoyed using the “Interview with a Tarot Deck Spread” to get the inside scoop on decks they had never used before.
And, as always, we had great fun talking tarot, showing off our new decks, and reading for each other!  See you March 1!