Monday, September 25, 2017

Recent CTS goings on

CTS is happy to note that we had not one but two very successful events in September.  First, on the 7th, some of our members had the super fun (and yummy) opportunity to provide free tarot readings at our monthly event at Cheesetique Ballston.  These events are part of our outreach program, which is designed to help those interested in tarot find our group and also to educate the greater public about tarot and overcome some of the spookier misconceptions about what tarot is.  These are also great opportunities for CTS members to practice reading for new people, which can be a great confidence booster and very rewarding when we see how happy folks are with their readings.

If you're interested in attending one of our free tarot events, the next one will be on October 12th beginning at 6:30.

The second event of the month was our regular meeting for CTS members.  This month's activity was more hands-on than usual, as we got crafty and made our own tarot journals.  But it was more than just a crafting session.  Members were encouraged to think carefully about their tarot goals and what uses a designated journal might have in helping them achieve those goals and delve deeper into their tarot practice.  Members considered the use of tabs and organization, what decorative elements actually promoted mindfulness and visually reaffirmed their tarot principles, and the potential uses for inserts and pockets to hold on to notes and ephemera collected along the way.

Our next CTS meeting will take place on Saturday, October 7th.  We'll be learning how to perform our own wisdom readings using free writing (possibly in our new tarot journals!).  This is also our last presentation of the year, as November's meeting is our annual member craft fair and jumble sale, and December's meeting is our always-much-anticipated holiday gift swap.

If you're interested in attending future CTS meetings or other CTS events, click the link in the menu bar above to visit our "how to join" page.