When people think of "reading the cards" they tend to automatically think about the Tarot. But many people outside of new agey / esoteric circles don't know that there are actually many different kinds of divination deck, and that Tarot is only one branch of reading decks within a much larger family tree of card decks designed for seeking out the wisdom of the universe.
Another type of divination deck that isn't as well known as Tarot among the general population, but that is certainly popular within the esoteric and card-reading (known more formally as cartomancy) community, is the Lenormand. Named for 17th/18th century French fortune teller Marie Anne Lenormand, this system of divination is based on a 36 card system. It's very different from Tarot, which uses 78 cards. And while Tarot readings usually involve selecting a handful of cards out of the deck and rarely use the whole deck, Lenormand readings can frequently involve all 36 cards - though they don't have to. A 36 card Lenormand reading is called a "Grand Tableau."
Curious to learn more about the Lenormand system of cartomancy and how it differs from Tarot? Join us at April's CTS meeting this Saturday. Not a member yet? Check out our how to join page - Membership is free!