Saturday, April 9, 2022

Hybrid Schedule Update

 On April 2 CTS had its first in-person meeting in two years!  It was very exciting to see everyone again.  The meeting featured a tarot book show and tell - a fitting activity for an in-person meeting.

As we detailed in our previous post, CTS is switching to a hybrid format.  Every other meeting will be online, and every other meeting will be in-person.  This means that May's meeting will take place via Zoom, and we will be back in-person again in June.  You can check out the entire schedule, including which meetings are in-person and which are online, on our meetings and presentations page.

One thing we have all missed during the pandemic has been opportunities to sit down and just read for each other.  In years past, an informal gathering would take place after our formal meeting activity or presentation, sometimes at another location nearby, and many of our members would sit down and chat and perform readings.  This unstructured reading time was some members' favorite part of being in CTS!

For this reason, we are modifying our hybrid schedule going forward.  Online meetings via Zoom will involve a structured presentation, because that's the format that works best for a video chat with several people.

In-person meetings will be less structured, without a formal presentation or planned activity.  People will be able to make announcements and share ideas as needed, but then we will move directly into periods of free reading where everyone can just hang out, enjoy each other's company, and read to their heart's content!

We are very excited to introduce this new structure that balances all the different things CTS members need and love.

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